Replacement parts
When replacement parts are required, be surc tile service technician certities in writing that he!she has uscd replacement parts specified by tile manufacturer that have the salfte characteristics as tile origina
Unauthorized substitutions may result in a fire. an electric shock or D[ller nalJlras.
Safety check
Upon conlp[etion of any service or repairs to tile TV. ask me servicc technician to pertorm routine satety cllecks
as specified by file manulklcturel to determine that tile TV is in sat_ operating conditiom and to so ccrtily
Should tile TV not be repaira _lc, ask a qualitied sclwice technician to dispose of tile TV
For Customers in the United States
Lamp in this product contains mercury. Disposal of these materials may be regulated due to environmental considerations. For disposal or recycling information. please contacl your local authorities op the Electronic Industries Alliance www.eiae.opg).