Placement J_-_, Attachments _,<_

Tile TV should be installed near an easiI) accessible AC power ourlei. Do not ilse attachments not recolllmended by rile
Observe tile t_fllowing in placing file TV. Otherwise tile _ mmmtacturer, as mey may cause hazards. '
TV may tall tram tile stand or wall mount, causing ,,W-"_-_f \\
dmnage or serious injury. \_, _,
[] Ph,ce tile TV .... table=level surtboc. VOLUME ADJUSTMENT
[] Do not hang anything on the TV. Do not allow __ _ [] Adjusl tile _3lunle so as not to trouble yam neighbors. Sound CalTie_,
children to climb oil file TV [_--_' very easny ar night. TheretO,re, closing the windows or using
headphones issuggesTea
[] When using headphones, adjusl file volume soas to avoid excessive
levels, ashearing damage l]tlay resulL
Do not install the TV in places subjec_ Toexumne remperamres, such as in
dil_ct sunhgllt, near aradiator or near a heating vent. If the TV is exposed
TOextreme ielnpelYlture, tile WV lnay overheat and cause detktrlnation of tile
enclosure orcause me TV to malthnction. Do not install file TV in apmce
exposed to direct air conditioning. If the TV is installed insucn a tocati m.
nlolslure lnay conoense inside and lnay cause a lnaltunction.
[] Never place tile TV ill hot, oily, hunlid or
excessively dusty places. _'_
[] Do not install the TV where it may be
exposea to nlechallical xibration.
[] Do not install tile TV in alocation wtleI_ it may proTruae, sucn as on
or behind a pillar, or where you migllt bump your head on it
Otherwi_. [t lilly result ill injury.

Outdoor use

Do not install this TV outdoors. It"tile TV is exposeo ro
rain, it may result ill atire or all electric shock. Do nol _ _9': itS_
expose the TV to direct sunlight_ it Allay heat up and
become aamageo.

Vehicle, ships and other vessels

Do not install this TV in a vehicle. Bumping of file
vehicle may cause tile TV to f_dldown ano cause il!jury.
Do not install fllis TV in a ship or vessel. If tile TV is
exposed to seawater, it lila} cause a tire c
TV mid also sllorien the lid of tileTV.


It'you use this TV near file seashore, salt lna} corrode metal parts of tile
TV and cause internal damage ortire; it may also shorten the lil_ of the TV.


Do not instldl this TV in restaurants where oily vapors occur. Dusr
at_sorbing oil may enter ano oamage the TV.

Medical institution

Do nol place this TV in a place where medical ,_:_]
equ pmentisi.....Irma,.........*f nctionof
medical equipment.


Although tile LCD screen is m_=de with hign-precision technology
and has ettective pixels of 99.99t3 or marc black clots or bright
points of light (red, blue, or green may appear constanny on me
LCD screen. This is asrrucrurm proper_y of tile LCD panel andis not
a maltunction.
[] Tile LCD screen ismade with high-precision technology ana m
achieve a higll level of pertbm/ance and picture quality, this TV's
backlight setting is set to lnaxinlize file brightness of the TV.
However uneven t_ngnmess ma3 be observed when tile LCD TV is
viewed ill a dark ambient without an input source or blmlk screen.
This ccmdition isnormal and not amalfunction ofthe TV. Changing
the Picture mode. Backligllt setting, or enabling tileLight SensoL
will improve this condition.
[] Do not expose fileLCD screen surrace to direct sun tight.Doing so
may damage tile LCD paneh
[] Do not pusn or scratch theLCD screen_ ol place objects on top offile
TV. The inlage ma 3 oe uneven or the LCD panel may be dmnageo
[] If file TV is used in a cold pmce. a smear may occur in the pictui_ or
me picture may oecome lark. This does not indicate a tailure. These
phenolllenon improve as the telnperaRIre ri_es.
[] Ghosdng may occur when still pictm'es are displayed continuously
It should disappear arm" a tew moments.
[] Tile screen and cabinet get warm when tile TV [s in use. This is no1
a lnaltunction.
(f ----_ [] Avoid spraying insect repellent with volatile material on tilescreen.
['t_ ]_'_._---')5 [] Avoid prolonged contact with rubber or plastic made materiah

_"_:_ Broken pieces

Do Ilot throw anything attile TV. [J [_7-_,q_
The screen glass may break by tile impact and cause -a _'5"_a_
serious injury, L_ _
lfthe surtace otthe TV cracks, donot touch it until _"
you have unplugged the AC power corm
Otherwise electric shock ma} result.

Handling of broken glass and liquid crystal


If the LCD panel gets dalnaged, crysialline liquid leakzge ilia} occur, or
_cattered broken glass lnay result. Do not toUCll t_rol_engtass or cr) _talline
liquid (which is toxic, with bare hands as cuts, poisoning or skin irritati m
may occur. Also. do not let glass tragments or leaked crystalline liquid ger
into your eyes or mourn. Should either contacr your eyes or mouth, rinse
tile contacted area thorougllly with water and consult your docror.

Preventing the TV from toppling over

Take measures to prevent tile TV fi'onl toppling over and causing injury.
To prevent tileTV I}om toppling over. secure tile TV to a wall or stand


Do not attempt to service tile TV yourselt sin_, opening _._/_2)_
file cabinet amy expose you to dangerous voltage or other
hazards. Rethr all servicing toqualified service personnel.tY_*_a:_