modelname1[MVC-F D92]
Thenumerical portions o f the following files are the same.
—Asmall-size image file recordedin E-MAIL mode and its corresponding image file
—Anuncompressed image file recorde d in TIFF mode and its corresponding image file
—Anaudio file recorded in VOICE mode and its corresponding image file
—Animage file recorded in TEXT mode and its cor responding index image file
—Animage file recorded with Clip Motion and it sc orresponding index image file
Imcif100 DSC0ssss.JPG •Small-sizeimage file recorded in E-
MAILmo de (page 49)
DSC0ssss.TIF •Uncompressedimage file recorded in
TIFFmode (page 52)
Moml0001 MOV0ssss.MPG •Movingimage file recorded normally
Momlv100 DSC0ssss.MPG •Audiofile recorded in VOICE mode
Thedigital still camera saves recorded images as digital data. The format of the
saveddata is called as the file format. The formatsthat can be used with this
cameraar e as follows:
Mostdigit al still cameras, operating systems of computers, and browser software
adoptthis format. This format is able to compress files without appreciable
deterioration. However,if the i mage is compressed and saved on repeated
occasions,t he image will deteriorate. This camera records still im ages using the
JPEGform at for normal recording.
Usingthis format, the image will not deteriorate even if the image is compressed
andsaved on repeated occasions. This format limits the number of colors to 256
colors.This camera records still images using the GIF format in Clip Motion
(page47 ) or TEXT mode (page 51).
TIFF format
Storesshooting images without compression, so the image does not deteriorate.
Mostof operating systems and applications correspond to this format.This camera
records still images using the TIFF format for the TIFF mode (page52) .
Thisformat is very typical for moving images. This camera records audio using
theMPEG format for the moving images recording and the VOICE mode
Folder File Meaning01cov.book Page37 Monday, December18, 2000 3:34PM