
Additional information

Cleaningthe LCD screen
Wipethe scree n surface with a
cleaning cloth (not supplied) or an
LCDcleaning kit (not supplied) to
removefingerprints, dust, etc.
Cleaningthe camera surface
Cleanthe camera surface with a soft
clothslightly moistened with water,
thenwi pe the surface dry. Do not use
anytype of solventsuch asthinner,
alcoholor benze ne as this may damage
thefinish or the casing.
Afterusing your camera at the
seashoreor other dusty locations
Cleany our camera carefully.
Otherwise,the salty air may corrode
themet al fittings or dust may enter the
insideo f your camera, causing a
Toprotect data recorded on fl oppy
disks, note the following:
Avoidstoring floppy disks near
magnetsor magnetic fields such as
those of speakers and televisions.
Otherwise,permanent erasure of disk
datamay res ult.
Avoidstoring floppy disks in areas
subjectt odi rect sunlight or sources
ofhigh temp erature, such as a
heatingdevic e.F loppy disk warping
ordamage m ay result, rendering the
diskuse less.
Avoidcontact with the disk’ssurface
byopening the disk shutter plate. If
thedisk’s surface become s
blemished,data may be rendered
Avoidgetting liquids on the floppy
Besure to use a f loppy disk case to
ensure protection of important data.
Evenwhen you u se a 3.5 inch 2HD
floppydisk, im age data may not be
recorded and/or displayed depending
onthe using environment. In this
case,u se a disk of other brand.
Yourcamera is designedfor use
betweenth e temperatures of 0°C to
40°C(32° F to 104°F). Recording in
extremelycold or hot places that
exceedthis r ange is not recommended.
Ifthe camera is brought di rectly from a
coldto a warm locat ion, or is placed in
avery damp room, moisture may
condense inside or outside the camera.
Shouldthis occur,the camera willnot
operatepr operly.
Moisturecondensation occurs
Thecamera is brought from a cold
location such as a ski slope into a
warmlyheated room.
Thecamer a is taken from an air-
conditionedroom or car interior to
thehot outdoors, etc.
Howto prevent moisture
Whenbringi ng the camera from a cold
placeto a wa rm place, seal the camera
ina plastic bag an d allow it to adapt to
conditionsat the new location overa
periodo ft ime (about an hour).

On cleaning

On floppy disks

Onoperating temperature

Onmoisture condensation Page 72 Wednesday, February 28, 2001 10:08AM