modelname1[MVC-F D92]
Viewing images using a computerYoucan view or modify data recorded with yourcame ra using application software
ona computer, or attach it to an E-mail.
For Windows 98 users
Thissection describes the method for viewing images on a computer using the
suppliedUSB cable.
What is the USB connection? : Youcan connect the came ra to your computer
usingthe USB cable, to view or modify the images stored in a floppy disk or
Tomake the USBcon nection: Youhave to install the USB driver in your
Besure to also see the operation manuals for your computer and application
•Datarecorded with your ca mera is stored in the following formats. Make sure that applicat ions
thatsupport these file formats are installedon your computer.
—Stillimages (other than TEXT mode, unco mpressed mode and Clip Motion): JPEG format
—Movingimages/audio: MP EG format
—Uncompressedmode still images:TIFF format
—TEXTmode/Clip Motion: GIF format
•ActiveMoviePlayer (DirectShow) must be installed (to play bac k moving pictures).
•QuickTime3.2 or newer must be installed (to play back moving pictures).
1Start up your computer and insert the floppy disk into the disk
driveof your com puter.
2Open[ MyCom puter] and double-click[ 31/2 Floppy (A:)].
3Double-clickthe desired data file.
Copyinga file to the har d disk of your computer before viewing it is
recommended when playing back an audio file or a moving image. If you play
backthe file directly from the floppy disk, the image and sound may break off.
Viewingim ages on a computer connected using the USB cable
01cov.book Page27 Monday, December18, 2000 3:34PM