
3-1 Software Installation

3-1-1 FAM Driver

When a computer is connected to this unit in file access mode (FAM connection), you can handle video and audio data as files (see Chapter 4, “Handling Files” (page 40)).

Before making an FAM connection, it is first necessary to install an FAM driver on the computer.

To install the PDZ-1 Proxy Browsing Software

Insert the supplied CD-ROM (PDZ-1 Proxy Browsing Software) in the computer’s CD- ROM drive, and run the Setup.exe file on the CD-ROM.

Follow the instructions that appear on the screen, and after the PDZ-1 Proxy Browsing Software is installed, the FAM driver is installed.

For details, refer to the ReadMe file contained on the CD-ROM disc.

To install the FAM driver only

Insert the supplied CD-ROM (PDZ-1 Proxy Browsing Software) in the computer’s CD- ROM drive, and in the “FAM Driver” folder on the CD-ROM, run the Setup.exe file.


3-1-2 Utility Software

You can check the status of this unit, and




change settings, by installing the utility




software on a computer connected to this





unit, and carrying out the operations on the


Software” (page 46)).

computer (see Chapter 5, “Using the Utility


To install the utility software, insert the



PC_Utility folder of the CD-ROM to an

supplied CD-ROM (PDW-D1 PC Utility)


in the computer’s CD-ROM drive, and copy


all of the following files from the


appropriate folder on the computer:










For the operating environment required for the utility software, see page 24.


The utility software operates using the FAM (file access mode) protocol, and therefore requires the FAM driver to be installed in the computer (see previous item).

3-1 Software Installation