Section 5
Spare Parts
1.Safety Related Components Warning w
Components marked !are critical to safe operation. Therefore, specified parts should be used in the case of replacement.
Les composants identifiés par la marque !sont critiques pour la sécurité.
Ne les remplacer que par une pièce portant le numéro spécifié.
2.Standardization of Parts
Some repair parts supplied by Sony differ from those used for the unit. These are because of parts common- ality and improvement.
Parts List has the present standardized repair parts.
3.Stock of Parts
Parts marked with “o” at SP (Supply Code) column of the Spare Parts list may not be stocked. Therefore, the delivery date will be delayed.
Items with no part number and no description are not stocked because they are seldom required for routine service.
4.Units for Capacitors, Inductors and Resistors
The following units are assumed in Schematic Dia- grams, Electrical Parts List and Exploded Views unless otherwise specified.
Capacitors : µF
Inductors : µH
Resistors : Z