After correcting the original service problem, perform the following safety checks before releasing the set to the customer :
Check the metal trim, “metallized” knobs, screws, and all other exposed metal parts for AC leakage. Check leakage as described below.
The AC leakage from any exposed metal part to earth ground and from all exposed metal parts to any exposed metal part having a return to chassis, must not exceed 0.5 mA. Leakage current can be measured by any one of three methods.
1.A commercial leakage tester, such as the Simpson 229 or RCA
3.Measuring the voltage drop across a resistor by means of a VOM or
To Exposed Metal
Parts on Set
0.15 µF | 1.5 k Z |
AC voltmeter (0.75V)
Earth Ground
Fig A. Using an AC voltmeter to check AC leakage.