Dialing From Call History
You can make calls from Call History with your phone open or closed.
To make a call with the phone open:
1.Press O> Call History.
2.Find the entry you want on the All Calls list or scroll left or right to view the entries on the
3.Scroll to the phone number you want to call.
– or –
If the number shown in Calls History is stored in your Contacts with another number you want to call:
■Scroll to the entry and press O.
■Press Oagain to see all numbers store in the Contact entry.
Scroll to the number you want to call.
4.Press sto place the call.
To make a call with the phone closed:
1.Press the Smart Key to view the All Calls list on your phone’s external display.
2.Use the volume keys to scroll through the All Calls list.
3.Scroll to the phone number you want to call.
4.Press the Speaker Key to place the call.
5.Press the Smart Key to end the call.
To make a Nextel