ASCII Code: ($0
Descender: 2.
Start column:
End column:
MO = Descender* 128 + (Start * 16 ) + End
Figure 6- 13. Add the values of the dots in each box and line col-
umn and write the sum of each column at the bottom.
Now enter the following program and run it. It has the data
numbers for the NLQ flask character. For a character of your
own, change the DATA numbers and the character definition
10 LPRINT ~~~$(27)pXl";
20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"&";CHR$(O>;CHR$(6O);CHR$(6O);
30 FOR M=O TO 22
2; ;;;;"; CHR$(MM) ;
80 LPRINT CHR$(27);"xO"
90 END
100 DATA 139, 2, 5, 8,241, 0, 0,241, 8,
5, 2, 0
110 DATA 6, 8, 16,224, 0, 0,224, 16, 8,
6, o
120 DATA 139,124, 0, 66, 4, 64, 36, 16, 2,
16, 12, o
130 DATA 120, 4, 0, 4, 0, 96, 4, 0, 4,
8, 0