Try them now with this little program:
f boldface and emphasized
2': ~PEE EHR$(~~) ;"G";
30 LPRINT "This iine is BOLDFACE printing."
40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"E";
50 LPRINT "This line is BOLDFACE and
60 LPRINT CHR$(27);"H";
70 LPRINT "This line is EMPHASIZED printing.'*
80 LPRINT CHR$(~~);"F"; -
90 LPRINT "This line is normal printing."
100 END
Run this program. The results will look like this:
This line is BCLUFUCE printing.
This line is EMPHASIZED printing.
‘I-t.1 :i. 5 :I, :i. n e j, 5; f-1 I::) r” ma :I. p r :i_ n t. j. n (3 .
Line 20 turns on boldface with (ESC)“G” and line 30 prints a
line of text. In line 40 ‘emphasized is turned on with (ESC)“E”.
Line 50 prints a line of text in boldface and emphasized. Line 60
then turns boldface off with (ESC)“H” so that line 70 can print
in emphasized only. Finally, line 80 turns emphasized off, so
your printer is set for normal printing.
Look closely at the different lines of printing. In the line of
boldface printing each character has been printed twice, and
they are moved down just slightly the second time they are
printed. In emphasized printing, they are moved slightly to the
right the second time your printer prints. The last line combined
both of these so that each character was printed 4 times. Now
that’s pretty nice printing, isn’t it?
We have learned how to use the various print modes in-
dividually and together. Now we’ll see how to combine them