5.If the Regen E5CN controller faults, a regen high heat fault is generated. “RH” is displayed on the relay screen. The alarm light is activated. The process heater, regen heater, and process/regen blower are turned off.

Turn the OFF-ON-STARTswitch to the START position to deactivate the alarm light and restart the dryer. If the fault condition still exists, the dryer will not restart.

6.If the process regen overload trips, a regen blower fault is generated. “RB” is displayed on the relay screen. The alarm light is activated. The process heater, regen heater, and process & regen blowers are turned off.

Reset the motor overload and turn the OFF-ON-STARTswitch to the START position to deactivate the alarm light and restart the dryer.

7.If the process heater safety temperature switch opens, a process heater fault is generated. “PS” is displayed on the relay screen. The alarm light is activated. The process heater, regen heater, and process/regen blowers are turned off.

Turn the OFF-ON-STARTswitch to the START position to deactivate the alarm light and restart the dryer. If the switch is still open, the dryer will not restart.

8.If the Process E5CN controller faults, a process high heat fault is generated. “PH” is displayed on the relay screen. The alarm light is activated. The process heater, regen heater, and process/regen blower are turned off.

Turn the OFF-ON-STARTswitch to the START position to deactivate the alarm light and restart the dryer. If the fault condition still exists, the dryer will not restart.

9.If the optional redundant high temperature safety device faults, a redundant safety fault is generated. “PR” is displayed on the relay screen. The alarm light is activated. The process heater, regen heater, and process/regen blower are turned off.

Turn the OFF-ON-STARTswitch to the START position to deactivate the alarm light and restart the dryer. If the fault condition still exists, the dryer will not restart.

10.If the process blower overload trips, a process blower fault is generated. “PB” is displayed on the relay screen. The alarm light is activated. The process heater, regen heater, and process & regen blowers are turned off.

Reset the motor overload and turn the OFF-ON-STARTswitch to the START position to deactivate the alarm light and restart the dryer.

11.The valve position limit switch enables the right bed heater and provides an input signal to the programmable relay when actuated by the cam lobe. When the cam lobe position is high, the right bed is activated. When the cam lobe position is low, the left bed is activated. Each heater is ON-OFFcontrolled by the regen E5CN controller.

12.Upon completion of the HEAT portion of the regeneration sequence, the regen heaters are disabled by the programmable relay and the COOL time begins.

13.Once the Cool time has expired, the valve motor is turned on until the cam switch makes a transition. Upon making a transition, the timing sequence is restarted for the new bed. If the valve or switch malfunctions, a bed switch fault is generated. “BV” is displayed on the relay screen. Contact the service department for assistance

14.When a dew point fault is generated by the dew point controller, the alarm light will activate. The alarm light will flash, indicating a non-critical fault. “DP” is displayed

Large Dehumidifying Dryers



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Sterling SDA 1000-5100 specifications