ApplianceWare v.5.3 Complete FAQ – February 24, 2004 – Page 13 of 30
1.3 ApplianceView for Linux (x86/PPC)
1.3.1Can I install and run ApplianceView without an
Unfortunately, ApplianceView as well as its installer, require an
1.3.2I have a
Please follow the steps below.
If you're running Linux on a
•Assuming that you have mounted client installation CD, please change directory to it using a terminal, then launch the setup.bin file:
If you cannot launch setup directly from CD, please copy setup.bin to your temporary directory, and then launch setup again.
•Now please follow the
•After installation is complete, you can lauch ApplianceView from its installation folder, or using the symbolic links that you may have been created at setup time. Please note that if you have a subdirectory named “ApplianceView” (without quotes) in the same directory as symbolic links, then you should use a runApplianceView link instead of just ApplianceView in order to run ApplianceView.
Optifacio Software Services, Inc.