3.1.1Solaris x86 Drivers and Documentation
For the first full release of the Solaris x86 software to support B100x or B200x blades, the documentation and some mandatory patches required for Solaris 9 (12/03) are available on the web.
Note – The Sun Fire B1600 Blade Platform Documentation, Drivers, and Installation CD that ships with the blade and chassis does not (at the time of writing) contain documentation or patch software for running Solaris 9 x86 on a B100x blade.
To download the documentation and patches you need, do the following:
1.Go to the website http://www.sun.com/servers/entry/b100x/ or http://www.sun.com/servers/entry/b200x/
2.In the lefthand column click on the link called “Downloads”.
3.In the Downloads section, click “Solaris x86 SW Drivers”.
(If you have not used the Download Service before, you will be invited to register before proceeding.)
4.Log into the download service.
5.Click "Download B100x Solaris x86 Driver Software" and save the packages to the directory /var/tmp/blades. (The download for the B100x blade is also the download for the B200x blade. They both require the same software.)
The file you will download is called
6.Return to the web page http://www.sun.com/servers/entry/b100x or http://www.sun.com/servers/entry/b200x/
7.Click on the link called “Documentation”.
8.Download and print out the chapters of the following documents concerning Solaris x86 installation:
■Sun Fire B1600 Chassis, and B100s, B100x, and B200x Blade Product Notes (this document; you only need to print out the current chapter).
■Sun Fire B100x and B200x Server Blade Installation and Setup Guide (you only need to print the chapter entitled “Installing Solaris x86”).
9.Proceed to Section 3.1.2, “Overview of the Solaris x86 Installation Process” on page