Here’s an example of setting parameters in a /etc/system file:
▼Setting the ipg1 and ipg2 Parameters in the
/etc/system File
1.Become superuser.
2.Add the following lines to the /etc/system file:
set qfe:qfe_ipg1 = 10 set qfe:qfe_ipg2 = 5
3.Save the /etc/system file.
4.Save all files and exit all programs, exit the windowing system.
5.Reboot the system by typing init 6 at the superuser prompt.
Setting Parameters Using the qfe.conf File
You can also specify the properties described in the section, “Setting Parameters in the /etc/system File,” on a
The man pages for prtconf (1M), system (4) and driver.conf (4) include additional details. The next section shows an example of setting parameters in a qfe.conf file.
36 Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • August 1997