Example of response camera.image.autowhite_balance.b=s219&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire current
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Note of Back Light Compensation Setting: After power on, Back Light Compensation setting of Home position is applied. After moving to preset position, Back Light Compensation setting of the position is applied. During Auto Pan and Auto Trace, Back Light Compensation setting for Auto Pan and Auto Trace is applied. When Back Light Compensation setting is changed by API, the change is temporal. To save current Back Light Compensation setting for preset position, use camera(num).status=save. To save current Back Light Compensation setting for Auto Pan and Auto Trace, use camera.motion.auto_pan.image=save.
Getting Back Light Compensation from VN-V685/686/686B
Format /api/param?camera.image.blc
Example of response camera.image.blc=off&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire Back Light Compensation setting. "off", "a", "b", "c" or "d" is returned. Refer the instruction manual for detailed information of "a", "b", "c" and "d".
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Back Light Compensation for VN-V685/686/686B
Format /api/param?camera.image.blc=data
Format of setting ON /api/param?camera.image.blc=a
Example of response camera.image.blc&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change Back Light Compensation setting. Specify "off", "a", "b", "c" or "d". Refer the instruction manual for detailed information of "a", "b", "c" and "d". The change is saved to preset position by the API, camera(num).status=save. The change is saved to Auto Pan and Auto Trace by the API, camera.motion.auto_pan.image=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
6.3. Encoding
These APIs are related to JPEG or
Saving Changes of Encode Settings for