There is no API for Getting passwords.
Allowed user admin
6.17. Maintenance
The APIs below are related to maintenance. These are equivalent to the features on the Maintenance page of the WEB
setting page. Refer to the instruction manual for details on the Maintenance page.
Format /api/param?system.status=initialize
Example of Response system.status&200 OK
Interpretation Restore all VN-V685/686/686B settings to factory defaults. Upon doing so, all transmission services
that are in progress will be terminated. Initializing takes a few minutes. Response is returned after initializing. Do not
power off during initializing.
Allowed user admin
Firmware Update
Version upgrading is not possible using API. To do so, use the Version Upgrade feature on the Maintenance page of the
WEB setting page.
Getting Status of Auto Cleaning from VN-V685/686/686B
Format /api/param?camera.motion.pan.auto_cleaning.status
Example of Response camera.motion.pan.auto_cleaning.status=off&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire status of auto cleaning. "on" or "off" is returned.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Auto Cleaning for VN-V685/686/686B
Format /api/param?camera.motion.pan.auto_cleaning.status=data
Example of Response camera.motion.pan.auto_cleaning.status&202
Interpretation Change status of auto cleaning. Specify on or off. To save the change, use "camera.status=save" API.
Allowed user admin
Getting Time of Auto Cleaning from VN-V685/686/686B
Format /api/param?camera.motion.pan.auto_cleaning.time
Example of Response camera.motion.pan.auto_cleaning.time=235959&200 OK