Access restriction

VN-V685/686/686B has access restriction feature that enables to deny access from a specific IP address. If JPEG is
requested from the IP address of access restriction, VN-V685/686/686B disconnects the TCP connection after API is

Restriction by maximum bitrate of VN-V685/686/686B

The maximum bitrate of VN-V685/686/686B is about 20 Mbps.

Number of clients

The maximum number of clients that can get JPEG stream depends on encode settings and requests from client. Refer
the instruction manual for detailed information.
1.5. JPEG File Format Sent Out by VN-V685/686/686B
JPEG file from VN-V685/686/686B is JFIF compliant and consist of the following.
FFD8 Start Code
FFE0 Application Segment
FFFE Comment Segment 1
FFFE Comment Segment 2 (reserved)
FFC4 DHT Huffman Table
FFDB DQT Quantization Table
FFDD DRI Restart Interval
FFC0 SOF Frame Information
FFDA Data Start Segment
FFD9 End Code
The following information is stored in the comment segment 1. Each item has a fixed length. In VN-V686 before v1.02,
Intelligent tracking status" and "Target position of Intelligent tracking" are not available.
Item Size Example Note
Version Information 9 JVC V1.0 Indicates the version of information stored in the comment
File Size 18 size = 123456 Indicates JPEG size in bytes.
Width 13 width = 640 Width of JPEG.
Height 14 height = 480 Height of JPEG.
Model Name 18 type = VN-V685U Name of model that created the JPEG.
(reserved) 12 reverse = 0 (reserved)
Time Stamp 70 Timestamp =
Indicates the time when the JPEG is created. This is made
up of the year/month/day, hour/minute/second, millisecond
and timezone code.
(reserved) 13 alarm = 00000000 (reserved)
Camera ID 50 camera = input01 Stores camera information set at VN-V685/686/686B.
Motion Detect Setting
11 motion = 1 Specified as 1 when the motion detect is ON.
Motion Detect Result 7 md = 1 Specified as 1 if motion is detected at the time when JPEG