hour, minute and second. Specify year in a
decimal numbers.
Allowed user admin
Getting Timezone from VN-V685/686/686B
Format /api/param?system.timezone
Example of Response system.timezone=Pacific&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the timezone from
Timezone Character String | Description |
Timezone that is 12 hours earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. | |
Timezone that is 11 hours earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. | |
Timezone that is 10 hours earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. | |
Hawaii | Same timezone as |
Timezone that is 9 hours and 30 minutes earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. | |
Timezone that is 9 hours earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. | |
Alaska | Same timezone as |
| Timezone that is 8 hours earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
Pacific | |
| Timezone that is 7 hours earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
Arizona | Same timezone as |
Mountain | Same timezone as |
Timezone that is 6 hour earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. | |
Central | Same timezone as |
| Timezone that is 5 hour earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
Same timezone as | |
Eastern | Same timezone as |
| Timezone that is 4 hour earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
Atlantic | Same timezone as |
Timezone that is 3 hours and 30 minutes earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. | |
Timezone that is 3 hour earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. | |
Timezone that is 2 hour earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. | |
Timezone that is 1 hour earlier than the Greenwich Mean Time. | |
UTC | Greenwich Mean Time |
London | Same timezone as UTC. |
GMT+1 | Timezone that is 1 hour later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
Berlin | Same timezone as GMT+1. |
Rome | Same timezone as GMT+1. |
Madrid | Same timezone as GMT+1. |
Paris | Same timezone as GMT+1. |
CET | Same timezone as GMT+1. |
GMT+2 | Timezone that is 2 hours later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
EET | Same timezone as GMT+2 |
GMT+3 | Timezone that is 3 hours later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
GMT+3:30 | Timezone that is 3 hours and 30 minutes later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
GMT+4 | Timezone that is 4 hours later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
GMT+4:30 | Timezone that is 4 hours and 30 minutes later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
GMT+5 | Timezone that is 5 hours later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |