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1.ALWAYS use the enclosed HEAT DIFFUSER when cooking on ELECTRIC HOBS or breakage may result.

2.DO NOT use on HIGH HEAT on hob.

3.DO NOT heat empty stoneware on hob burners. Always ensure there is liquid or food inside the stoneware.

4.ALWAYS begin hob cooking on low heat before increasing to medium or medium low heat.

5.ALWAYS coat bottom of stoneware with a minimum of 2 tablespoons of oil when sautéing or browning on the hob.


ALWAYS stir food often when cooking on hob.



NEVER freeze water or water based foods in the stoneware. It may result in cracking



of stoneware.



DO NOT use metal utensils with the stoneware to protect against scratches.


NOTE: Please use with caution when placing your stoneware on a ceramic or smooth

Heat Diffuser

glass cook top hob, work surface or table. Due to the nature of the stoneware, the rough


bottom surface may scratch these surfaces if caution is not used.




Przed przenoszeniem i czyszczeniem garnka:

ZAWSZE nalezy wyjac wtyczke z gniazdka.

ZAWSZE nalezy odczekac, az urzadzenie ostygnie.



Wyjmowana misa kamionkowa (A) wraz z pokrywa nadaja sie do mycia w zmywarce lub do mycia recznego w goracej wodzie z dodatkiem plynu do mycia naczyn. Nie uzywac sciernych srodków czyszczacych - do usuniecia resztek jedzenia wystarczy sciereczka, gabka lub plastikowa lopatka.

Do usuwania zacieków i innych plam nalezy stosowac srodki czyszczace nie zawierajace skladników sciernych lub ocet.


Elementu grzewczego NIE WOLNO zanurzac w wodzie ani w innej cieczy. Do czyszczenia uzywac miekkiej sciereczki zwilzonej w cieplej wodzie z dodatkiem plynu do mycia naczyn i wyzetej. Wytrzec do sucha czysta sciereczka. NIE uzywac sciernych srodków czyszczacych.


The removable Stoneware Cooking Pot and the lid go safely into the dishwasher or may be washed in hot soapy water. Nie uzywac sciernych srodków czyszczacych - do usuniecia resztek jedzenia wystarczy sciereczka, gabka lub plastikowa lopatka. Do usuwania zacieków i innych plam nalezy stosowac srodek

1.There are three temperature settings. LOW (I) is recommended for slow "all- day" cooking. 1 hour on HIGH (II) equals about 2 to 212 hours on LOW (I).

WARM () is recommended for keeping already cooked food at the perfect serving temperature until you are ready to eat. DO NOT cook on this setting.

2.Before each use (whether in Heating Base Unit, on hob, in conventional or microwave oven), coat the inside of the stoneware with oil or butter to make clean up easier.

3.Always cook with the Lid on when using your stoneware in the slow cooker Heating Base Unit.

4.Follow recommended cooking times.

5.When using stoneware on electric hob, a heat diffuser (included) must be used. When using the diffuser, the cross supports should be facing up.

6.Unplug from wall outlet when cooking is done.

7.The detachable power cord located at the back of the heating base allows more convenience for serving.

8.Do not reheat foods in the slow cooker Heating Base Unit.


Heat Diffuser

Heating Base


Control Panel

czyszczacy nie zawierajacych skladników sciernych lub ocet.

Podobnie jak delikatne wyroby ceramiczne, misa kamionkowa nie jest odporna na nagle zmiany temperatury.

Jezeli misa zostala nagrzana lub jest goraca w dotyku NIE nalezy wkladac do niej produktów z lodówki. Garnka elektrycznego NIE NALEZY nagrzewac przed przystapieniem do gotowania, o ile nie wymaga tego przepis. Gorace produkty wolno wkladac wylacznie do misy o temperaturze pokojowej.

Po zakonczeniu gotowania mise nalezy umyc goraca woda. Do goracej misy NIE WOLNO wlewac zimnej wody. Nie uzywac sciernych srodków czyszczacych, druciaków ani proszków do szorowania, poniewaz w rezultacie dlugiego stosowania moga one porysowac wypolerowana powierzchnie i utrudnic czyszczenie naczynia.


• Odkroic tluszcz i dobrze wytrzec mieso (If meats contain fats. Brown in the cooking pot and drain well).

9.ALWAYS use a trivet or hot pad underneath heated stoneware when placing on table or countertops.

10.Removable stoneware and lid are safe for use on hobs*, in conventional and microwave ovens as well as refrigerator and freezer.

11.Handles on stoneware will stay cool to the touch when using in Heating Base Unit, however please use pot holders oven gloves when using in the oven, microwave or on the hob.

12.Always use pot holders oven gloves when moving Heating Base Unit. Handles will become hot when in use.

NOTE: Due to the unique manufacturing process of the ETCstoneware, you may see variations in the glazed surface. This is normal and does not affect performance.


Posolic i popieprzyc. Umiescic mieso w garnku na warzywach.

W przypadku pieczeni i dan jednogarnkowych, mieso zalac plynem w ilosci podanej w przepisie.


Podczas wolnego gotowania mieso i warzywa zachowuja wiecej wlasnych sosów niz w przypadku


gotowania tradycyjnego.

• Wiekszosc warzyw nalezy pokroic na cienkie plasterki lub umiescic po bokach lub dnie misy. W garnku


elektrycznym mieso na ogól gotuje sie szybciej niz warzywa.

Use whole leaf herbs and spices for the best and fullest flavour from the slow cooking method. If ground


herbs and spices are used, they should be stirred in during the last hour of cooking.

Poniewaz na dnie nie ma bezposredniego zródla ciepla, mise nalezy napelniac co najmniej do polowy


po to, aby nie zmieniac zalecanego czasu gotowania. Mozna przygotowywac potrawy w malych


ilosciach, ale wówczas czas gotowania moze ulec zmianie.

• Zamiast plynu podanego w przepisie mozna stosowac inny plyn pod warunkiem, ze uzyje sie go w takiej


samej ilosci. Na przyklad, zamiast zupy w puszce mozna uzyc pomidorów w puszce, lub zamiast jednej


filizanki wina mozna uzyc jednej filizanki wywaru z wolowiny lub kury.

Fasole i groch nalezy zmiekczyc przed dodaniem cukru i/lub produktów o duzej zawartosci kwasów.


(UWAGA: cukier i kwasy powoduja twardnienie fasoli i uniemozliwiaja ich zmiekczenie).

Suszona fasole, zwlaszcza czerwona, nalezy ugotowac przed dodaniem jej do garnka. Fasole zalac


niesolona woda w ilosci trzykrotnie wiekszej od ilosci fasoli i zagotowac. Gotowac na ostrym ogniu przez


10 minut, nastepnie zmniejszyc plomien, przykryc i dusic przez 1,5 godziny az fasola bedzie miekka.


Fasole mozna namoczyc przed gotowaniem. Wode po namoczeniu lub gotowaniu fasoli nalezy wylac.



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Sunbeam SCRI500-I manual Czyszczenie Garnka, Praktyczne Wskazówki Dotyczace Przyrzadzania DAN, Wyjmowana Misa Kamionkowa

SCRI500-I specifications

The Sunbeam SCRI500-I is a versatile and innovative steam iron designed for efficiency and ease of use, making it an essential tool for anyone seeking to maintain their wardrobe with crisp, wrinkle-free garments. This product combines advanced technology with user-friendly features, ensuring that both casual users and experienced professionals can achieve optimal results.

At the heart of the SCRI500-I is its powerful steam output. With a continuous steam flow, this iron delivers consistent and effective results, making it perfect for tackling stubborn wrinkles in a wide variety of fabrics. The steam burst feature provides an extra boost when needed, allowing users to easily refresh clothes or remove more significant creases. This is particularly beneficial for thicker materials, such as cotton and linen, where extra steam can make a decisive difference.

The SCRI500-I is equipped with a ceramic soleplate that glides smoothly over fabrics, reducing friction and minimizing the risk of snagging. This high-quality soleplate is not only durable but also ensures even heat distribution, maximizing the effectiveness of the steam for a flawless finish. The iron also heats up quickly, enabling users to start their ironing tasks without unnecessary delays.

Safety is a primary consideration in the design of the Sunbeam SCRI500-I. The iron comes with an automatic shutoff feature that activates after a period of inactivity, providing peace of mind when the iron is left unattended. This feature is especially valuable for individuals with busy lifestyles who may often forget to turn the iron off after doing laundry.

Another notable aspect of the SCRI500-I is its ergonomic design. The iron features a comfortable handle that allows for extended use without causing hand fatigue. Its lightweight construction makes it easy to maneuver, ensuring that users can tackle large ironing loads without feeling weighed down.

In addition to its core steam functions, the Sunbeam SCRI500-I includes variable temperature control, allowing users to adjust the heat settings according to the fabric type. This flexibility ensures that delicate materials, such as silk or polyester, can be ironed safely without the risk of damage.

In summary, the Sunbeam SCRI500-I is a comprehensive iron that combines powerful steam output, an advanced ceramic soleplate, safety features, and ergonomic design. These characteristics make it an excellent choice for tackling everyday ironing tasks while ensuring that your garments look fresh and well-maintained. Whether you're preparing for a board meeting or a night out, the SCRI500-I will help you achieve the polished look you desire.