SuperWorkstation 7045A-C3/7045A-CT User's Manual
POST Code Description
99h Check for SMART D rive (optional)
9Ch Set up Power Management
9Dh Initialize security engine (optional)
9Eh Enable hardware interrupts
9Fh Determine number of ATA and SCSI drives
A0h Set time of day
A2h Check key lock
A4h Initialize typematic rate
A8h Erase < ESC> prompt
AAh Scan for <ESC> key str oke
AEh Clear Boot fl ag
B0h Check for e rrors
B1h Infor m RomPil ot about the end of POST (op tional)
B2h POST done - pre pare to boot operating system
B4h 1 One shor t beep before boot
B5h Terminate QuietBoot (opt ional)
B6h Check password (optional)
B7h Initialize AC PI BIOS and PPM Structures
B9h Prepare Boot
BAh Initialize SMBIOS
BCh Clear parity checkers
BDh Display MultiBoot menu
BEh Clear screen (optional)
BFh Check virus and bac kup reminders
C0h Try to boot with INT 19
C1h Initialize POST Err or Manager (PEM)
C2h Initialize error l ogging
C3h Initialize error dis play function
C4h Initialize system er ror fl ags
C6h Console redirection init.
C7h Unhook INT 10h if c onsole redirection enabled
C8h Force check (optio nal)
C9h Extended ROM checksum (optional)
CDh Rec laim console redirection vector
D2h Unknown interrupt
D4h Check Intel Branding str ing
D8h Alert Standard Format initialization
D9h Late init for IPMI
DEh Log error if micro-co de not updated properly