Appendix A: BIOS POST Messages
slows system perfo rmance considerably.
CPU socket number for Multi-Processor error.
EISA CMOS not wr iteable
ServerBIOS2 test error: Cannot write to EISA CMOS.
DMA Test Failed
ServerBIOS2 test error: Cannot write to extended DMA (Direct Memory Access)
Software NMI Failed
ServerBIOS2 test err or: Cannot generate software NMI (Non -Maskable Interrupt).
Fail-S afe Timer NM I Failed
ServerBIOS2 te st error: Fail-Safe Timer takes too l ong.
device Address Confl ict
Address confl ict for specifi ed device.
Allocatio n Error for: device
Run ISA or EISA Confi guratio n Utility to resolve resource confl ict for the specifi ed
CD ROM Drive
CD ROM Drive identifi ed.
Entering SETU P ...
Starting Setup program
Failing Bits: nnnn
The hex number nnnn is a map of the bits at the RAM address whic h failed the memor y
test. Each 1 (one) in the map indic ates a failed bit. See errors 2 30, 231, or 232 above
for offset address of t he failure in System, Extended, or Shadow memo ry.
Fixed Disk n
Fixed disk n (0-3) id entifi ed.
Invalid System Confi guration Data
Problem with NVR AM (CMOS) data.