Appendix C: Intel HostRAID Setup Guidelines
C-7Creating a RAID 5 Set (Parity):a. Select "Create RAID Volume" from the main menu and press the <Enter> key.
The following screen will appear:
b. Specify a name for th e RAID 5 set and pres s <Enter>.
c. When the Raid Level is highli ghted, use the <Up Arrow>, <Down Ar row> keys
to select RAID 5 ( Parity) and hit <Enter>.
d. When the Disk item is highlig hted, press <Enter> to select the H DD to confi gure
as RAID. The following pop-up screen (*See the note on Page C-3) displays:
e. Use the <Up Arr ow>, <Down Arrow > keys to highlight a drive and pre ss
<Space> to sel ect it. A triangle app ears to confi rm the selection of the drive.
f. Use the <Up Arrow >, <Down Arrow> keys to select the s tripe size, ranging from
4 KB to 128 KB for the RAI D 5 array, and hit <Enter>. (Note: For a server, please
use a lower stripe size, and fo r a multimedia system, use a higher stripe size. Th e
default stripe size is 128 KB.)
g. Enter your desired RAI D volume capacity and press <Enter > when the capacity
item is highlighted. The default s etting is the maximum c apacity allowed.
h. Press Enter when the Create Volume item is hi ghlighted. A warning messag e
i. When asked "Are you sure you want to create thi s volume (Y/N), pre ss "Y" to
create the RAID volume, or type "N" to go back to the Create Volume menu.