SuperWorkstation 7045A-C3/7045A-CT User's Manual
I2C Bus to PCI-X/ Slots
Jumpers JI2C1 and JI2C2 allow you to
connect the System Management Bus
(I2C) to the PCI-X slots. The default
setting is Disabled. Both jumpers must
be set to the same setting See the table
on the right for jumper settings.
Watch Dog Enable/Disable
JWD controls the Watch Dog function.
Watch Dog is a system monitor that
can reboot the system when a software
application hangs. Jumping pins 1-2
will cause WD to reset the system if an
application hangs. Jumping pins 2-3
will generate a non-maskable interrupt
signal for the application that hangs.
See the table on the right for jumper
settings. Watch Dog must also be en-
abled in BIOS.
Note: When enabled, the user needs to
write their own application software in
order to disable the Watch Dog Timer.
Watch Dog
Jumper Settings (JWD)
Jumper Setting Defi nition
Pins 1-2 Reset
Pins 2-3 NMI
Open Disabled
I2C to PCI-X Slots
Jumper Settings (JI2C1/JI2C2)
Jumper Setting Defi nition
Pins 1-2 Enabled
Pins 2-3 Disabled
I2C Bus to PCI-Exp. Slots
Jumpers JI2C3 and JI2C4 allow you to
connect the System Management Bus
(I2C) to the PCI-E slots. The default
setting is Disabled. Both jumpers must
be set to the same setting See the table
on the right for jumper settings.
I2C to PCI-E Slots
Jumper Settings (JI2C3/JI2C4)
Jumper Setting Defi nition
Pins 1-2 Enabled
Pins 2-3 Disabled
LAN1/2 Enable/Disable
Change the setting of jumper JPL1 and
JPL2 to enable or disable the LAN1 and
LAN2 Ethernets port, respectively. See
the table on the right for jumper set-
tings. The default setting is enabled.
LAN1/2 Enable/Disable
Jumper Settings (JPL1)
Jumper Setting Defi nition
Pins 1-2 Enabled
Pins 2-3 Disabled