
Appendix A: BIOS POST Messages
Appendix A BIOS POST Messages
During the Power-On Se lf-Test (POST), the BIOS will che ck for problems. If a
problem is found, the BIO S will activate an alarm or display a message. The fol-
lowing is a list of such BIOS messages.
Failure Fixed Disk
Fixed disk is not working or not co nfi gured properly. Check to see if fi xed disk is at-
tached properly. Run Setup. Find out i f the fi xed-disk type is co rrectly identifi ed.
Stuck key
Stuck key on keyboard.
Keyboard error
Keyboard not working.
Keyboard Controller Failed
Keyboard controller fai led test. May require replacing keyboard cont roller.
Keyboard locked - Unlock key switch
Unlock the system to proc eed.
Monitor typ e does not match CMOS - Run SETU P
Monitor type not c orrectly identifi ed in Set up
Shadow Ram Failed at offset: nnnn
Shadow RAM failed at of fset nnnn of t he 64k block at which t he error was de-
System RAM Failed at offset: nnnn
System RAM failed at of fset nnnn of in the 64k bl ock at which the error was d e-
Extended RAM Failed at offset: nnnn
Extended memor y notworking or not confi gur ed properly at offset nnnn.
System batte ry is dead - Replace an d run SETUP
The CMOS clock bat tery indicator shows the battery i s dead. Replace the battery
and run Setup to reconfi gure the system.