[38 ft]
48 %
1.6 m 25 ½° [5½ ft]
25 m [82 ft]
Fig. 8. Measuring height of a pillar
10.25m [33½ ft]
The task is to measure the height of a pillar at a distance of 25 m [82 ft] on level ground (Fig. 8).
The instrument is tilted so that the hairline is seen against the
In very exact measurements,
[44½ ft]
3.25 m [10½ ft]
and particularly on sloping ground two readings are taken, one to the top, the other to the base of the pillar. When
25 m [82 ft]
Fig. 9. Taking two readings
the pillar base is below eye level the percentages ob- tained are added. The total height is the sum percentage