Chapter 5 PCK EmulationOverview
This chapter describes how to use the MK1000 PCK emulati on application.
The Symbol PCK emulation application* is a PCK9100/9140 emulator for the Symbol
MK1000. The application allows the MK1000 (wired or wire less) to connect to a host
computer and behave like a Symbol PCK9100/9140. The Symbol PCK emulation
application uses a proprietary command set developed by S ymbol Technologies for use
with its Kiosk Scanning Solutions.
While running this application, the MK1000 can inter act with PCK9100/9140 compatible
applications on the host. It receives commands and data from the host and di splays them
on the MK1000’s screen.
The PCK emulation application has operating parameters that can be modified by the us er.
The user can set these parameters using menu screens dis played on the MK1000, or they
can be preset in an "ini" style configuration file that can b e loaded via FTP transfer.
Note:*The MK1000’s PCK em ulation application is not compatible with
pre-existing PCK9142/9144/9130 applications.