MK1000 MicroKiosk Product Reference Guide
How do I confirm my MK1000 is
communicating with my host
- If communica tion does not exist
between the MK1000 and host
computer, examine the following:
- Is the MK1000 receiving power?
- Does your MK1000 support the
type of Ethernet connection you
are attempting to use? For
example, if trying to communicate
via a cabled connection, confirm
your unit supports wired Ethernet
- Is the MK1000 properly
configured for the type of Ethernet
communication you are using
(wired-cabled vs. wireless-RF)?
- For wired Ethernet connections, is
the Ethernet cable properly
- Are you trying to communicate
with the correct MK1000 IP
Table F-1. Troubleshooting (Continued)
Problem Possible Causes Possible Solutions