MK1000 MicroKiosk Product Reference Guide
• If your current setting is Ethernet (wired or wireless and TCP/IP or UDP/IP), no
change is necessary.
• If your current setting is not Ethernet, scan the “1” bar code to c hange the
interface and scan the “1” bar code again to select Etherne t.
3. Once your commu nication interface is confirmed, check and change the MK1000’s
IP address by scanning the number “3” bar code (Change Hos t Config) at the PCK
Configuration menu to access the TCP/IP Configuration Page 1.
4. Scan the number “1” bar code (TCP/IP) to access TCP/IP Configuration Page 1
5. Scan the number “2” bar code (IP Address) to access the IP address data field.
This screen displays the current IP address field (Curr IP Addr) and the n ew IP
address field (New IP Addr).
6. To enter a new IP address, scan the numeric bar cod es that correspond to the IP
address you desire. Note that the IP address field requires you to scan th ree digits
for each segment in the address for the segment separator "dots" to be applied
correctly (see Example: Entering an Numeric Value -- IP Addres s on page 3-9).
7. When you have co mpleted scanning the IP address via numeric bar code s, scan
the Save & Exit bar code to save your changes and ex it the current screen. The
MK1000 changes its IP address to the new value you entered and ret urns you to
the previous screen.
If you do not wish to change the current (IP addre ss) setting, scan the Cancel bar
code to exit the WITHOUT saving your changes.