Code Length Number of data characters in a bar code between the start and stop
characters, not including those characters.
Continuous Code A bar code or symbol in which all spaces within the sy mb ol are p a rts
of characters. There are no intercharacter gaps in a contin uous co de.
The absence of gaps allows for greater information density.
Dead Zone An area within a scanner’s field of view, in which specular reflection
may prevent a successful decode.
Decode To recognize a bar code symbology (e.g., UPC/EAN) and then
analyze the content of the specific bar code scanned.
Decode Algorithm A decoding scheme that converts pulse widths into data
representation of the letters or numbers encoded within a bar code
Depth of Field The range between minimum and maximum distances at which a
scanner can read a symbol with a certain minimum element width.
Discrete Code A bar code or symbol in which the spaces between characters
(intercharacter gaps) are not part of t he code.
Discrete 2 of 5 A binary bar code symbology representi ng each character by a group
of five bars, two of which are wide. The location of wide bars in the
group determines which character is encoded; spaces are
insignificant. Only numeric characters (0 to 9) and START/STOP
characters may be encoded.
EAN European Article Number. This European/Internatio nal v ersio n of the
UPC provides its own coding format and symbology standards.
Element dimensions are specified metrically . EAN is used pri marily in
Element Generic term for a bar or space.
Encoded Area Total linear dimension occupied by all characters of a code pattern,
including start/stop characters and data.
ENQ (RS-232) ENQ software handshaking is also supported for the data sent to the
Flash Memory Flash memory is responsible for storing the system firmware and is
non-volatile, if the power is interrupted in the system.
Host Computer A computer that serves other terminals in a network, providing such
services as computation, database acce ss, supervisory programs,
and network control.