Setup and Installation: Communication
The Driver Configuration MenuFrom the MK1000 Configuration menu (see Figure 3-10 on page 3-17), press the Previou s
or Next buttons to move the "<" cursor to the Drivers option and pres s the Enter button.
The Driver Configuration menu displays:
Figure 3-25. Driver Configuration Menu
Table 3-16. Driver Configuration Menu Definitions
Field Name Description
Laser Scanner When selected, th e Lase r Scann er opti on displ ays
the Laser Scanner Config screen (see Figure 3-
26). For the MK1000’s onboard internal laser
scanner, the driver can be enabled or disabled and
the default scan mode can be changed. (See
Appendix C, Scanning Mode Programming Bar
Codes for a list of the scan modes.) If the driver is
disabled then the scanner is not initialized and it
becomes possible for a user application to
communicate with the scanner directly using the
appropriate Com driver (i.e., C_SID_IO_UART2).
Barcode Reader This option requires no modifications to support an
undecoded external scanner.
If an external decoded scanner is connected to the
MK1000, the RS-232 port must be configured to
match the scanner’s communication settings. (See
the RS-232 Port description below for more
Driver Configuration
Laser Scanner
Barcode Reader
RS-232 Port
RS-485 Port