P470/370 RF Scanner Product Reference Guide
Aim DurationWhen the scanner is in Trigger Pull to Scan mode (default mode), Aim Duration sets the
amount of time the aiming dot is seen bef ore turning into a scanning beam. This parameter
has no affect when the scanner is in the Trigger Release to Scan mode.
The Aim Duration is programmable in 0.1 second increm ents, from 0 to 9.9 seconds. If set
to 0, no aiming pattern appears before a decode session. The default value is 0.8 seconds.
To set an aim duration, scan the barcode below. Then, scan two numeric barcodes,
beginning on page 5-101, that correspond to the desired aim duration. Duration s less than
1.0 second must have a leading zero. For example, to set an aim durat ion of 0.5 seconds,
scan the barcode below, follo wed by the '0' and the '5' barc odes. If you make an error or
wish to change your selection, scan the CANCEL barcode on page 5-103.
Aim Duration