Parameter Menus
RF Channel
Selects the RF channel used for radio transmissions and reception. The channel ranges
are nation dependent (see Appendix C, Radio Channels for a list of Channel Availability by
Country). To enter a range, scan the bar code below followed by 2 digits from the numeric
bar code section (starting on page 5-101) to set th e desired channel. If the channel is not
legal for your country, an error beep will be heard instead of a successfu l warble. It is
recommended that each scanner/cradle pair be set to a different channel than neighboring
scanner/cradle pairs.
RF Channel
RF Retries
On a transmission, the ra dio will try to send the dat a a certain number of tim es prior to giving
up if the receiving cradle is not responding. The following parameter allows the user to
select how many retries should be tried. For additional information, see Increase the
number of RF Retries on page 2-8.