P470/370 RF Scanner Product Reference Guide
Eliminating Repetitive Scannin g
To eliminate repetitive scanning of identical items, you can enter a quantity prior to scanning
a bar code. This quantity entry feature can also be used when manually entering bar code
To enter a quantity, press the * key. The following screen with a default value of “1” will
To enter the value you desire, key in the quantity followed by the <ENTER> key. Next, the
bar code data entry screen reappears. Sca n the item’s bar code. The scanner sends the
bar code data to the host the keyed-in amount of times. For instance, if you type in a
quantity of 6 then scan a bar code, the scanner sends that bar code data to the host six
times as if the bar code had been scanned six times.
If you have accidentally entered this screen, it will automatically be exited after 5 seconds
or by pressing the <ENTER> key without entering a quantity.