P470/370 RF Scanner Product Reference Guide
Communication Errors Scanning Transmission Range
A communication error will occur when the scanner, cradle or host fails to properly
communicate. When a commu ni ca ti on e rro r o ccu rs w hi l e usi ng the defa ult appl ic a tion, t he
scanner emits 4 beeps (LO HI LO HI) and displays a "Failed Communication" error
The three-digit error code on the scanner's screen indicates what type of communication
problem has occurred. For example, error code 015 generally indicates the s c anner is out
of RF range, is not properly paired with the base, or the base may have lost power. For a
complete list of error codes, see Table D-2.
Recharge Battery Battery is close to complete discharge. Recharge
the battery
Table D-2. Error Codes
Error Code Type Description
002 Serial Proto c ol Error RS- 232 host does not recogn ize character(s)
transmitted from scanner.
003 Serial Protocol Error Handshaking failure.
005 Serial Protocol Error Scanner does not recognize character(s) transmitted
from RS-232 host.
008 SYNAPSE Error Synapse host does not recognize character(s)
transmitted from scanner.
009 SYNAPSE Error Synapse transmission failed. Synapse cable may not
be properly installed.
Table D-1. Scanner Messages (Continued)
Message Description
Failed Communication
Error 015 Push ENTER