Messages and Error Codes
015 RF Communication
Error Scanner is out of range, not properly paired to a base
or the base may have lost power.
016 RF Communication
Error The base to which th e scanner is paired has been
paired with another scanner.
017 RF Communication
Error Scanner is out of range.
018 MCL-Link Error A Synapse cable cannot communicate with MCL-Link.
Reconnect to the host using an RS-232 cable and then
cycle power (power off then on) to the base.
020 RF Communication
Error Previous RF transmission not yet complete.
021 Memory Allocation Error For repeated occurrence contact Customer Service.
024 RF Communication
Error The base is not responding. Cycle power (power off
then on) to the base.
247 MCL-Link Error MCL-Link responded with a busy message.
249 MCL-Link Error MCL-Link rejected the command.
253 MCL-Link Error MCL-Link or 123Scan did not respond. The base may
not be properly connected to the host. make sure the
RS-232 cable is properly connected and the base is
receiving power. If the problem persists, cycle power
(power off then on) to the base.
Note: For users developing applications, these error codes will not be shown on the display but are reported in System Variable 97 immediately after the execution of the offending command (SO, SI, NO or NI).Table D-2. Error Codes
Error Code Type Description