P470/370 RF Scanner Product Reference Guide
Keypad OperationInstead of scanning a bar code, you can enter the bar code data using the keypad on the
top of the scanner. By d efault, this feature is enabl ed. To disable alphanumeric d a ta entry
via the keypad, go to the symbologies tab inside 123Scan and remove the “X” from the
check box next to “Keypad”. (This does not disable the quantity entry feature discussed in
Eliminating Repetitive Scanning on page 3-4.)
For additional information on 123Scan, see 123Scan on page 3-17.
To enter numeric data, type the nume ric value desired and press <ENTER>. A beep lets
you know that the entry was accepted. See Figure 3-5 on page 3-27.
To enter alpha characters, press the <Mode> key once to put the scanner in Alpha Mode.
Numeric buttons 1 through 9 are associated with the alpha characters. For example, the
letters A, B and C are located on numeric button 7. Press the button with the letter you
desire - once for the letter A, twice for the letter B, or three times for the letter C. You can
continue entering alpha characters or switch to numerics. Press <ENT ER> to save or send
the data.
To return to numeric entry mode after entering alpha characters, press the <Mode> key
again. For example, to manually enter 17ABF5, do the following steps:
Every time you press the button with the letter you desire, you hear a low-pitched beep to
let you know that the entry was registered. Although the entry is registered, it has not been
Data Action
1Press numeric button 1.
7Press numeric button 7.
APress <MODE> button once, then numeric
button 7 once. Wai t for one second (you will hear a
low pitched beep).
BPress numeric button 7 twice.
FPress numeric button 8 three times.
5Press <MODE> button once, then numeric
button 5 once, then < ENTER>.