Symbol Technologies, Inc. One Symbol Plaza, Holtsville N.Y. 11742-1300
Revision B — Dec ember 2001
Quick Startup InstructionsBelow is an index of Quick Startup Instructions to help get you up and going quickly. The index is
listed in a step by step order beginning with step 1, Setting up the System.
Mandatory steps are designated by an asterisk (*). If an item has multiple pages referenced, the
most important reference is in bold.
PRG Page
1. Setting Up the Sys tem
•Connecting the cradle to a host * 2-1
- RS-232 connection 2-2
- Synapse connection (keyboard wedge, USB, etc.) 2-3
•Charging the battery * 1-2, 2-8
•Pairing the scanner with the cradle * 2- 6
- RF channel 3-8, 5-13, C-1
- Coexisting in Spectrum24 environments 2-7
2. Using the Default Applicati ons
•Overview of Scan and Transmit application* 3-2
•Keypad operation 3-2, 3-3, 3-26
•Eliminating repetit i v e sc an ni ng 3-4
•Selecting the host c om m un ication protocol 3-2, 3-8, 5-8
- RS-232 baud rate 5-81
3. Programming an Advanced Data Formatting Rule Using 123Scan 3-17
•Suffix values (appending Enter key and Tab) 3-18
4. Troubleshooting Proble ms
•Troubleshooting table 3-28
•Communication errors 3-5, D-2
•Beeper indications and default applicat ion er ro r codes 4-7
•Cradle LED indicati on s 4-3