Front panel controls
ThegreenLEDglowswhentheunitisswitchedonan d readytouse.
If the SADV 1245 R is connected to a preamplifier, integrated amplifier or receiver within an 'R' system, it canbeswitchedoff,withthewholesystem,bypres sing the buttonontheremotecontrolhandset.
Themainsbuttondoesnotdisconnectthedevicefro m themainscompletely.Somepartsofthecircuitare still livewhentheunitisswitchedoff.
CD Drawer
The drawer of the SADV 1245 R consists of a combination of a special plastic with good damping qualities, and solid, precisionmachined treated aluminium. It’s floating and flexible suspension sy stem eliminatesthetransferofmechanicalvibrationto thedisc, whichcanhaveanadverseeffectonthesound.
With this button, the bandwidth of the analogue out | put | |||
filter for SACD playback can be switched between | ||||
60kHz(normalmode)or100kHz( | 'WIDE'mode). |
| ||
Asecurityswitchatthebackpanelofthe | SADV 1245 R | |||
must be set to the | 'WIDE ENABLE' to allow the wide | |||
bandwidthpositiontobechosen. | 'WIDE'modecannotbe | |||
chosen without the security switch set to | 'WIDE | |||
ENABLE' (also | see: chapter | 'Back | Panel | |
Connections'). |
Theposition 'WIDE'shouldonlybeusedincombination with amplifiers that are capable of reproducing aud io
frequenciesuptoorbeyond400kHz.Ifindoubt,p lease consult the manual of your amplifier or ask the manufacturer.
Incombinationwithall amplifiersthe 'WIDE'position canbeusedwithoutlimitation.
(CDandSACDonly) |
With this button the video section of the | SADV 1245 R |
canbeswitchedoff. |
Whenswitchedoffthehighfrequencyvideosignals can notinfluencethesusceptibleaudiosignals.Switchi ngoff the video section is recommended for highest possib le audioreproductionquality.
Repeatedlypressingthisbuttoncyclicallystepsth rough the various oversampling algorithms offered by the SADV 1245 R.
ForSACDandCDplaybackeachhavetwodifferentse | ts |
of oversampling algorithms. These special algorithm | s |
implementedinthe SADV 1245 Rareoptimisedforeach |
dataformat. |
Adetaileddescriptionoftheoversamplingalgorith mscan be found in chapter 'Technical Description Oversampling'.
•When the disc is stopped this button chooses betweentheCDorSACDlayerofhybridSACDs.
• During playback of SACDs with stereo and multichannel areas this button toggles between stereoormultichannelplayback.
•Selection of the DVD sound track (language or audioformat),if there are different sound tracks onthedisc.