A short press onthisbuttonswitchestheunitto Pause / static picture. Press the button to resume playback.
During DVD playback repeated short presses of the
button move on to the next single frame of the
Repeated long presses(around2seconds)duringDVD playback switch to different slow motion speeds. Pre ss the buttontostopslowmotion.
The buttonendsplayback.
Ashortpressonthisbuttonstartsplayback,orre sumes playbackaftera Pause.
Screen window
All the screen elements of the | SADV 1245 R are | |||
displayed in a clearly laidout window on the integ | ral | |||
screen: |
| |
1/ 2/ 3 | Thisdisplayareashowsthecurrentlyactive |
| oversamplingalgorithm(1...3).Ifnoneofthe |
| numbersarelit,thestandardalgorithm(FIR |
| Filter)isactive. |
CD | islitifastandardaudioCDortheCDlayer |
| ofahybriddiscisplayed |
SACD | islitwhenaSACDisplayed |
MCH | islitifamultichanneltrackisplayed |
This indicator is lit, if the analog output of the SADV 1245 R is switched to high bandwidth(WIDEmode).
scan)isactivefortheYUVcomponentvideo output
this indicator is leit, if the video output is switched OFF (pure high quality AUDIO Mode).
123,45 Alphanumerical display area for indication oftrack,timeoroperationmode.
Thisareaisalsousedforcontextdepending messages for example during SETUP menus.
is active. (see chapter 'Preferences / Functions / Wake Up Timer').
In case the message 'OVERHEAt' is displayed on the display,the SADV 1245 Rhasbecometoohot. Pleasemakesurethatthedeviceissufficientlysup plied
withcoolingairandthattheaircanfreelyflowa roundthe caseofthedevice.Readandfollowallinstruction sgiven in chapter Settingup the SADV 1245 R. Please do not place the SADV 1245 R directly on top of other hot deviceslikeamplifiersetc.