Problem: | Surround decoder / receiver fails to | |
| recognise digital surround programs | |
| (Dolby Digital or dts). |
| |
Cause: | The digital output of the SADV 1245 Ris | |
| wronglyconfigured( PCMinsteadof | ALL). |
Remedy: | Set the digital output to the correct | ALL |
| setting(see 'Basic device settings'). | |
Problem: | Nothing displayed on the screen. |
Cause: | Screenswitchedoff. |
| |
Remedy: | Press buttontoswitchitonagain. | |
| |
| |
Problem: | The disc will not play once the disc | |
| drawer is closed. |
Cause 1: | Discnotinsertedcorrectly. |
| |
Remedy: | Positionthedisccentrally:printedfaceup. | |
Cause 2: | Discsoiled. |
| |
Remedy: | Carefully clean the disc by wiping with a | |
| soft cloth from the centre to the edge. | |
| Replacethediscandtryagain. |
| |
Cause 3: | DiscdamagedintheareaoftheTableof | |
| Contents(TOC).Discunusable. |
Remedy: | Noremedypossible. |
| |
Cause 4: | Machine has got very cold (e.g. after | |
| transport), allowing condensation to form | |
| onthelasersensoroptics. |
| |
Remedy: | Leave the machine to warm up for about | |
| anhourinawarm,wellventilatedplace. |
Problem: | Disc stops playing, or ‘skips’. |
Cause: | Discdirtyordamaged. |
| |
Remedy: | Cleandisc.Damagecannotberepaired! | |
| |
| |
Problem: | Black and white picture, distortion or | |
| scrolling when playing a DVD or VCD. | |
| |
Cause: | The television is not set to the same | |
| picturename(PAL/NTSC)asthedisc,or | |
| cannotprocessitspicturenorm. |
| ||
Remedy 1: chose PAL/NTSC according to your TV | ||
| setinthemenu 'Preferences' |
Remedy 2: Use a multinorm TV set. These sets automaticallyswitchtothecurrentpicture norm,orcanbeswitchedovermanually
Problem: | After removing the disc the machine | |
| fails to return to the Start screen. | |
| |
Cause: | Theprogrammaybewaitingforafurther | |
| disc. |
Remedy: | Insertthenextdisc. |
| |
| |
Problem: | The picture is displayed too small or | |
| incompletely (abbreviated). | |
| |
Cause 1: | The DVD in the drawer is not set to the | |
| samepictureformat( | 4 : 3or 16 : 9)asthe |
| TVsetconnectedtothesystem. | |
| |
Remedy: | Set the correct picture format in the | |
| SETUPmenu. |
| |
Cause 2: | Many DVDs contain film recordings in | |
| different picture formats on the front and | |
| rearfaces. |
| |
Remedy: | Turn the DVD over, or set the correct | |
| pictureformatinthe | SETUPmenu. |
| |
Cause 3: | The television is set to the wrong picture | |
| format. |
| |
Remedy: | Set the TV to the correct picture format, | |
| i.e.theonecorrespondingtotheDVD. | |
Problem: | The SADV 1245 R | fails to carry out |
| certain functions. |
| |
Cause 1: | FunctionblockedforthisDVD. | |
| |
Cause 2: | Function (e.g. camera angle, subtitles | |
| etc.)notpresentonthisDVD. | |
Remedy: | Noremedypossible. |
| |
| |
Problem: | After inserting a DVD the screen | |
| displays a warning of the wrong | |
| regional code. |
| |
Cause: | TheDVDisnotapprovedforyourregion. | |
| |
Remedy: | ContactyourDVDsupplierandexchange | |
| the disc for a version approved for your | |
| region. |
| |
| |
Problem: | In rare cases the DVD’s Disc Menu | |
| cannot be operated when the 'Pan- | |
| Scan' picture format is set. | |
| |
Remedy: | Set picture format to "Letterbox"; call up | |
| theDiscMenuagain. |