Play back of MP3 / JPEG / Kodak Picture CD
The SADV 1245 RcanplaybackMP3,JPEG,VCDand SVCD files from recorded available CDR/RW discs or fromcomerciallyavailableCDs.
AMP3CDmaycontainupto32albumfiles(director ies) withmusictitles.
Toselectanalbumfileuse | / buttonson | ||
the front panel or the | / buttons of the remote | ||
control. |
To select one title/track within a directory | / | ||
buttons on the front panel or the | / | ||
buttonsoftheremotecontrol. |
| |
Thedesiredalbum/titlenumbercanalternatively | enteres | ||
directlyusingthenumericalbuttonsoftheremote | control: |
•InSTOPmodethenumberbuttonsareusedforthe albumselection.
•During PLAY the number buttons select a track withinthecurrentalbum.
PlaybackofaMP3titlecanbepausedbypressing | the |
button and be resumed by pressing the | / |
button. |
Duetothebignumberoftracksona MP3 discs it m | ay |
last a couple of seconds until the disc structure i | s read |
andentirelyresolvedbytheplayer. |
OnlythefirstsessionofMultiSessionDiscsissup | ported |
bythe SADV 1245 R. |
•supported bit rates for MP3CD: 32, 64, 96, 128, 192,256,320(kbps)
followingformatsare notsupported:
•disks containingsessions not closed (Non Session Closed)