A Compact Disc (CD) is a digital data medium that requiresalittlecareinhandling:
• The surface of a CD may only be cleanedusingasoft,drycloth.Wipe in straight lines from the centre towardstheedge.
•CDs must be handled with care to avoid major damagetothesurface.Severelyscratchedsurfaces,
writing on the discs, or sticking labels on the dis | cs |
mayresultinaCDthatcannolongerberead. |
DSP (Digitaler Signal Prosessor)
The SADV 1245 Rfeaturesafreelyprogrammablesignal processor.ADSPcanprocessdigitalsignalsinany way, andthatiswhytheyallowbetteroversamplingrate sthan standardmodules.
DVD videoexploitsthelateststateof MPEG2 data compression technol ogy,whichmakes itpossibletostore an entire cinema film on a single 12cmCD.
ThevariablebitratecompressionoftheDVD,with aread speed of up to 9.8Mbit per second, is capable of recordingeventhemostcompleximagesintheirori ginal quality.Thecrystalcleardigitalpictureshavea horizontal resolutionof720pixels(points)overmorethan50 0lines. This resolution is twice as high as that of the VHS system,is better than thatof LaserDisc, and is di rectly comparabletotheresolutionofdigitalmasterreco rdings madeinrecordingstudios.
DVDs are produced to meet either the PAL or NTSC
videonorm. Thismultinormplaybackdeviceissuit |
| able |
for reproducing both types, and plays them in the b |
| est |
possible quality on your multinorm TV set. Speech | ||
barriersareathingofthepast,thankstosoundt | racksin | |
uptoeightlanguages,andsubtitles ifpresent |
| onthe |
disc in up to 32languages. And whether you watch |
| |
DVDs on a widescreen or conventional television, t | he | |
quality will always be the same as when you origina | lly | |
viewedthefilmatthecinema. |
The FTS title select program gives the user the opportunity to change the sequence of playback of t he
tracksonanaudioCD.Theselectionismadeandpl ayed usingthe„OSD“menu.
Camera angle
3/7 | Many DVDs and VCDs contain scenes | |
whichwererecordedusingdifferentcamera | ||
| ||
| view angles. When such a disc is played | |
| back, the screen displays a symbol which | |
| indicates the number of available angles |
(e.g.7) and the currently selected angle (e.g.3 ). The SADV 1245 R can easily be switched to any of the differentcameraviewingangles.
Menu function
ADVDmaycontainaDiscMenuwithselectionfacilit ies forindividual titlesand/or chapters.Dependingonthe
DVD,thediscmayalsocontainalternativesforcame | ra |
angle,synchronouslanguages,subtitlesetc.Them | enu |
functionoftheDVDplayerenables youtoselectthe | se |
optionsfromtheDiscMenu. |
InShufflemodethetracksofaCDorthetitlesof anFTS program can be played back in a randomly selected order.
CD singles are discs of smaller diameter and correspondinglyshorterplayingtime.The SADV 1245 R
is capable of playing CD singles. To load a CD sing | le |
placethediscinthecirculardepressioninthece | ntreof |
thedrawer. |
IftheTOCareaofaCDisunreadableduetodamage , scratchesetc.,theentireCDisrenderedunusable.
Track is another termed used for a title on a CD. T | he |
tracksandtheirdurationarestatedontheCDslee | ve. |