SACD Operation
CD/DVD and SACD discs have a totally different data structure.
ForaCDorDVDrecordingtheanaloguesignalissa | mpled |
atahighrate(44.100or48.000samples/second). | The |
audio signals have to be bandwidth limited before t | he |
samplingprocesstogetridofsignalcomponentsab | ove20 |
kHzbecausethesecouldnotbecorrectlydigitized. |
The20kHzbandwidthlimitingisnotnecessaryfor SACD recordings. It is thus possible to record and store audio frequenciesupto100kHzonSACDs.However,allSA CD recordingsuseaprocesscall“noiseshaping”toac hievea dynamic range comparable to CD/DVD systems. This noise shaping leads to a substantial amount of high frequencynoiseintherange40...100kHz.
Thereisapracticalproblem withthenoiseshaping | ;the | ||
high frequency noise associated with SACD recording | s | ||
cannotbehandledbyallamplifierandspeakersys |
| tems. | |
Insomeofthesethehighfrequencysignalscontain |
| edon | |
SACDs lead to distortion and thus degrade the sound |
| ||
quality.Insuchcasesitisnecessarytolimitthe | bandwidth | ||
of the system to about 40 kHz. This would mean to |
| ||
sacrificethemainadvantageoftheSACDsystem. |
To get the best possible performance out of your Hi | Fi | ||
system,the SADV 1245 Roffersanaloganddigitalsignal |
| ||
processingmeanstotailortheanalogoutputsignal |
| exactly | |
totherequirementsofyouramplifierandspeakers. |
Theseprocessingmeansconsistof4differentdigit |
| alfilters | |
with different bandwidths and different stop band |
| ||
attenuations.(OVSstandard,1,2,4).Additionally |
| youcan | |
selectthe 'WIDE'bandwidthmodefortheanalogoutput,if |
| ||
your system is capable of handling frequencies up t | o | ||
400kHz. |
WiththeOVSandWIDEbuttonsonthefrontpanelyo u canexperimentandfindthecombinationofoversamp ling andanalogprocessingthatdeliversthebestsonic results withyourequipment.
Amplifiersareverylineardeviceshavingaveryw ide bandwidth. So you can use all possible OVS/WIDE combinations without limitation. We recommend a wid e bandwidthconfigurationusingOVS1or3withoura mps.
Standard OVS
This filter introduces a slight limitation of the h | igh |
frequency bandwidth. It is suited for most amplifie | r / |
speakersystems. |
This filter features a wider frequency range. Good amplifierswithatleast100kHzbandwidtharerequ ired.
This filter has the narrowest bandwitdth and is recommended for amplifiers with a frequency respons e <50kHz.
Thisfilterintroducesnobandwidthlimitationoft heaudio signals. A very good amplifier / speaker combinatio n which can handle signals above 250kHz without problemsisrequired.