T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 157
Graphics commandsThe instruction set of the document printer contains commands for printing gra-
phics, for example, drawings, diagrams or pictures.
There are two different approaches to printing graphics:
– Graphics printing in text mode
The graphics are composed from individual graphics characters (upper cha-
racter table) (see chapter “Character set commands”).
– Graphics printing in graphics mode (dot graphics)
The graphics are printed as dot graphics. In other words, the individual pi-
xels, from which the graphics are composed, are transferred to the printer
encrypted asnumber sequences.With a maximum density of 180 x 360 dots
per inch, the printing of more complicated pictures is also possible.
This chapter describes the commands for printing in graphics mode:
Command Function
ESC * (s) (n) (m) data Selecting graphics mode
ESC K (n) (m) data Switching on graphics mode ’single density’
ESC L (n) (m) data Switching on graphics mode ’double density’
ESC Y (n) (m) data Switching on graphics mode ’double density
and double rate’
ESC Z (n) (m) data Switching on graphics mode ’quadruple
ESC ? (m) (s) Reassign graphics commands