Programming interface (General) Character tables
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 27
where each dot is to be printed.
Characters defined by the user are copi ed by means of ESC sequences into the me-
mory of the documentprinter. It is possible to switch over at will between the normal
character set and that definedby the user.
GraphicsViathe document printer simple pictures and/ or diagrams can first be presented
on the basis of standard or graphics characters or symbols defined by the user
on the one hand and theformatting possibilities (for example, line spacing, tabs,
highlighting)on the other hand. The struc ture of such semi- graphicsc an be con-
trolled by programs with corresponding ESC sequences. The production of se-
mi- graphics on the basis of character sets is, in principle, the connecting of
individual characters over several lines.
By switching over to a graphics mode special graphics commands become
available through which drawings, diagrams or pictures can be printed as dot
graphics. Each picture dot is encrypted as a number sequence and transferred
to the printer. The appearance of dot graphics can be influenced by setting the
dot density, whereby a maximumdensity of 180 x 360 dots per inch is possible.
The document printer works in various graphics modes. A graphics mode is
identified by the number of needlesaddressed during printing (8 or 24) and the
horizontal dot spacing (60 to 360 dots per inch).
The production of dot graphics is in principle the connecting of dot data over se-
veral lines. The line spacing can be set in such a way that no spaces arise bet-
ween the lines in a picture.