Standard commands Horizontal print control
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 85
Horizontal tabulationFunction:
Using HT the print head is set to the next tab position.
After positioningon the last (right) tab position the HT command has no effect . This
also applies if all the tab positionswere deleted using ESC D NUL.
ASCII character
– After switching on the printer or after initializing (ESC @) the tabs
are set at a spacing of eight 10-cpi characters.
– The tab positions are set using the command ESC D and deleted
using ESC D NUL.
– With centered and flush right text adjustment or with margin justifi-
cation (ESC a (n))theHTcommand is ignored.
– Various programs and computers convert the HT command into
corresponding blank spaces instead of passing the command di-
rectly to the document printer.