Document printer specifications Programming interface (General)
30 T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
Magnetic stripe processingThe device called MSR is used for processing magnetic stripes on passbooks.
The MSR equipment allows an automatic reading and updating of data in en-
crypted form.
In what form the appropriate data is encrypted on a MSR magnetic stripe de-
pends on the respective recording mode (DIN/IBM).
Example (magnetic stripe on the back of a passbook):
Here the magnetic stripe could contain the following information:
– Next or last line to be printed in the passbook
– Account number of the customer
– Balance (credit) of the customer.
Via the reading of the magnetic stripe, the entry of this data becomes unneces-
sary. The values for theline number and the balance are updated on the magne-
tic stripe before the printing of the passbook line.
1 Inside of passbook
2 Back of passbook
3 Mangetic stripe