Processing of a blank form Applic ation examples
248 T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
34. Printing lines with ’oo ... oo’ (5 times) and’oo ... oo’ (4 times)
35. Deleting additionalspacing between characters
Command: ESC SP (n)
Parameter: n = 0
36. Setting charactersize to 10 cpi again
Command: ESC P
37. Switching proportionalspacing on again
Command: ESC p (n)
Parameter: n = 1
38. Printing from ’09 ... 06’ to ’Pin n umbering (plan view)’
39. Setting print format adjustment to flus hl eft again)”
Command: ESC a (n)
Parameter: n = 0 (default value)
40. Changing type font
Command: ESC k (n)
Parameter: n = 0 (Roman)
41. Verticaltabulation to the greetings line
Command: VT
42. Printing greetingsline