Document processing Application examples
254 T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
Document processingThis example is to illustrate document processing with the following features:
– Coding the coding line
– Printing a text on the document.
This example is based on producing a specimencheque. The c oding line on the
chequeis to be processed with bottom reference, the text on the cheque with top
The following pre-conditions are assumed:
– The document printing point is activated
– Passbook processingis deactivated
– Character set OCR-A is set
– Specification of the horizontal leading edge on the left (default)
– In this example, document width detection is requested explicitly.
The restrictionsfor document width detection with regard to the cur-
rent vertical position must be taken into account for this.
– In this example, no horizontal tabs are set, but therespective print
position is determined in a horizontal direction by means of an ab-
solute dot position (ESC $ (n) (m)).